Cs 1.6 aim bot
Cs 1.6 aim bot

cs 1.6 aim bot

It will also not be spawned if the angle from the watched player to spawn location is too steep (aiming up) or if it requires the player to be aiming down. The bot will not be spawned if the spawn location is within a ceiling or outside the confines of the map. You can also specify the type of punishment to issue via cvar ad_punishment (default: 0 - log only). You can specify the number of detections that are needed before a player gets punished via cvar ad_detectsneeded (default: 1). If the bot is spawned cvar ad_aimattempts times (default: 3) and not shot\aimed at, the watch gets removed from the player. There are two methods to choose from to detect the aimbots (see below). When the watched player gets a kill, the bot gets spawned high above the victims head. There is also an auto-watch option that will apply watches automatically based on performance ratios (see below). Once the player is being watched, the bot will be spawned above each of his victims until he either passes all checks or is detected.

cs 1.6 aim bot

To watch a player for aimbot detection, use the amx_aimwatch command.

cs 1.6 aim bot

This plugin detects aimbots by using an invisible detection bot to simulate an enemy. Note : Be sure to also download the config file as new cvars are commonly added with each release.

Cs 1.6 aim bot