Guile: Star Platinum ( Link - Mirror) / Ahuron ( Link - Mirror) / Messatsu - Sepp's Update ( Site - Mirror) / Hirohiro / Kurai Naito ( Link - Mirror) / Thedge (KOFXI)ĭhalsim: Wara - RBGarcia's Edit - Castagnopolis Edit (KOFXI) - KamranBernstein's Edit (KOF 2002UM) - Showard's Updateīalrog / M. Joahie & MDK (KOFXI) / Fervicante (KOFXI) ( Site - Mirror) / Zero-Sennin (KOFXIII) Ken: H" / Hirohiro - 119way's Edit (KOF) - Diego Cutrim's Edit (KOF) / Nyko ( Site - Mirror)ĭon Drago (4in1) / God Ryu (KOFXI) - ptzptz 7's Edit (KOFXIII) / Ikaruga (KOF '98)Ĭhun-Li: Sepp ( Site - Mirror) / Tin ( Site - Mirror) - Zadkiel's Edit (KOFXI) / J.Lee ( Site - Mirror) / Liam / Tetchi / ptzptz 7 (KOFXIII) Kamekaze (KOFXIII) / Shammahomega1 - KamranBernstein's Edit (KOF2002UM) / Swipergod (KOFE) / ZSaber User (KOFXI) / Basara-kun & LegendaryXM90 (KOFEX) Ryu: 119way - Diego Cutrim's Edit - ptzptz 7's Edit (KOFXIII) / Hirohiro / Warusaki3 / Zman - Kazemaru's Edit / Don Drago (4in1) / Ikaruga (KOF '98) You can check the entire collection here.

You can check these special chars in the SvC Collection. Note: I'll not add any special version character, only Gouken, Evil Ryu and Violent/Evil Ken cause they're canon. Kula: Kaku - Original / Alpha Dreams' edit, Jn2, Gilgamesh-EX || Zero: Gonzo, TightRiam, Arms, ICCHA - Original / God-Alex's edit / Shin Yagami's edit, Third MU~ || Iori: Ihoo1836, - Original / VK's edit, Arms, Jovibr, Proto + MvP - Original / Kaku's edit, HIro=hiRO, Samuelshoes, Proto + Asshuman Mai: M.M.R, Koopakoot || Yuri: Nana, Jorge H Campos || Kasumi: Syu Takazaki, Juke Kisaragi, M.M.R - Original / H"'s edit / ?'s edit, Hinako: Syu Takazaki, M.M.R Kim: Misamu K Young, Genjular || Chang: || Choi: || Jhun: Socc200 Leona: Hero || Ralf: Mouser || Clark: OrochiKOF97, Swipergod || Whip: Ryokucha - Original / Shingin + E's edit, Minky MomoĪthena: Sekirei, M.M.R, VinceJ19 || Kensou: Syu Takazaki || Chin: Shinriyo || Bao: Syu Takazaki, Misamu K Young Ryo: Syu Takazaki, Mouser, Muhanzoa || Robert: David Demianoff, Muhanzoa || King: Ambasa || Takuma: Adeli + K-Shizokua Terry: Mouser, David Demianoff, Unsigned || Andy: PysoleX, Jerzy, Natty Dread || Joe: || Mary: MIT K': Syu Takazaki, KaKu - Original / Gogo's edit, Danzou || Maxima: Syu Takazaki, Gargoyle || Ramon: Sander71113, Gargoyle || Vanessa: Deuce - Original / Sander71113's edit, Crazy For S.F, Sunboy - Original / Kung Fu Man's edit, Drowin, Butti + Mother Earth - Original / KRUD's edit, Proto, Keyuīenimaru: Swipergod, Misamu K Young || Shingo: Syu Takazaki, Mouser, HIro=hiRO, + || Seth: Adamskie, Nyankoro || Lin: Misamu K Young, 119way Well, the old one wasn't being upkept and the links were borked, so.