You will need to know how to handle roundabouts. You'll have to maintain your space cushion, with a four-second following distance, and clear to your sides. You must understand and properly apply the rules of right-of-way. The road test examiner will be very alert to make sure you recognize and properly handle intersections, including uncontrolled intersections. You will need to be able to perform the following basic tasks smoothly and without hesitation. Vehicle control is one of the most important parts of safe, SMART driving, and that's exactly why the road test examiners pay such close attention to it. Vehicle Control for the Wisconsin Road Test Windshield wipers (if needed for conditions during the road test).Defroster (if needed for conditions during the road test)."If you have practiced the full 30 hours, you should have the confidence and skill level to pass the test," says Marty Fadness, owner and founder of Wisconsin's Safety and Respect Driving School.Ĭheck your vehicle! The following items will be inspected and must be present and in safe operating condition: Make sure you've really worked through your required 30 hours of practice driving. Make sure you have your valid permit with you. Make sure you got enough sleep the night before: you want to get there early, alert, and confident. Being late is an easy way to fail without even getting a chance to take the test.

Getting Yourself and Your Vehicle Ready for the Wisconsin Road Testįirst, plan to show up early for your appointment.